Quick respose for needs and provide a speedy solutions.
Our business results have expanded every year as we address global needs and promptly supply solutions to satisfy our customers, drawing on our specialized knowledge and know-how of trading that have been accumulated in a wide range of fields, including specialty petrochemicals, and raw materials for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, as well as raw materials for food products,fibers, machinery, and general merchandise. Our strengths are our cutting-edge perspective and aggressive implementation.
We emphasize speed and sincerity in addressing customers’ needs.
With a tenacious and energetic approach to establishing new businesses, our International Operation Division is attempting to make the next quantum leap forward, with the slogan of “speed, sincerity and meeting all challenges.”
Our strengths are our cutting-edge perspective and aggressive implementation.
Industrial Material Division Director
Takaya Nakamura
有機・無機顔料、樹脂原料、添加剤、分散剤、 |
精密化学品、各種アミノ酸、Lシステイン、 |
オーガニック食品原料(Organic food ingredients) 有機チアシード、有機マキベリーFDパウダー、 有機シーベリーパウダー、有機シーベリーオイル、 有機アガベシロップ、有機アガベイヌリン、有機FDブラックカラント、 有機大麦若葉末/有機小麦若葉末、有機キヌア |
機能性食品原料(Functional food ingredients) 魚油TG(EPA/DHA高含有)、チアシード粉末、 有機シーベリーパウダー、有機シーベリーオイル、 藻由来DHAオイル、藻由来DHAパウダー、 ラクトフェリン、ガックフルーツパウダー、 ギャバ、鶏卵抗体(オボプロン)など |
PETフィルム、機能性フィルム、 |
ポリウレタンフォーム、 ポリエチレン、 |
E-mail: nakamura@okura-ct.co.jp
TEL:06-6441-0166 / FAX:06-6443-1806